Today is the day, you can start to download my new album MILOS AND MORE from nearly all legal download platforms (iTunes, etc.) all around the world!
The album will be released on CD on 15 Sept. 2006!
Enjoy it!
i got up early this morning: there was a lot to do today and this smell of autumn already hangs in the air - so it's time to enjoy each sunny minute we get granted until winter comes around again. the cats eat so much these days - they have to get fat to overcome wintertime. It's always amazing to watch nature and find out all it can tell you about changing of times and seasons ... - chestnut trees get weary first, for example...
And this afternoon DPD knocked on my door delivering this packet of CD's - yeah: MILOS AND MORE.
Oh, it was summer again - my new album in my hands - so beautiful.
I hope I will never lose this: Trembling while holding my new album in hands.
MILOS AND MORE will be available for DOWNLOAD (iTunes, etc.) THIS FRIDAY, 25th AUGUST and will be OUT ON CD on 15th SEPTEMBER.
today it's a weary day here in Austria: wet, too cold for this time of year, cloudy, dark, not nice...
but I am happy... as I opened the mailbox this morning there was a packet sent by a certain "Robbins" from overseas... I got curious... opening the parcel, I found out it was Tom Robbins' current novel inside, German paperback edition. sent over to me by Tom Robbins himself, with a handwritten note inside the book saying: "To Chris Gelbmann, who has the music in him. May you play on for 100 years. Tom Robbins"
I am a really lucky guy. I get gorgeously encouraged each time I need it most...
this is magic.
And I love life anyhow...
all the best to all of you,