Dienstag, Mai 30, 2006


Letztens fuhr ich mit meinem Auto hinter einem uralten Jeep. Waehrend ich über Safaris und afrikanische Steppen nachzudenken begann, las ich, was hinten auf dem Jeep draufstand: "Das Gras waechst nicht schneller, wenn man daran zieht." I love this one...

Dienstag, Mai 23, 2006

live @ summerstage

Dear All!

der wunderbare Monat Mai ist bald vorbei... - Ich hoffe, ihr konntet ihn ausgiebig genießen! Der Sommer naehert sich in schnellen Schritten und die Abende werde immer waermer und laenger...

Und die SUMMERSTAGE hat natuerlich auch wieder offen und wir haben die Ehre und Freude, dort in sommerlich-stimmungsvollem Ambiente live zu spielen - und noch dazu zu freiem Eintritt!

CHRIS GELBMANN & the pink beast of love - LIVE!

Sa. 27. 05. 2006

U4 Station Roßauer Laende
1090 Wien
Info: 01-319 66 44-10
Reservierung: 01-315 52 02

Chris Gelbmann - vocals, guitar, mouth harp
Gottfried David Gfrerer - national guitars
Martin Mader - keyboard
Karl Sayer - double bass

Hope to see you there!

all the best,

Freitag, Mai 05, 2006

Gelbmann w/ Mauracher

today I was in the mastering-studio to get the listening-CD of MAURACHER's rework of my song "WHAT IS RIGHT WHAT IS WRONG". Mauracher is an Austrian "chameleon-elektronika-rock'n'roller", who's got heart and balls, I'd say. He's a very gentle guy and a great musician. And he metamorphosed my song onto the other side of the musical planet, which widened my horizon again. It's thrilling to hear that. We will release it soon via iTunes and my webshop. Watch out for this one!

yeah - keep on!

Mittwoch, Mai 03, 2006

pls. vote for "spirit"!

a short birthday-break is over. we had some great days in the garden and in the forests. it's always amazing again and again, what peace and joy it can bring to you, if you just walk around in nature, watch, snuffle, touch, listen and probably taste... it's all there and it's all wonderful. there are days I can sit down and start happily weeping while experiencing all these simple wonders, nature can bring to you without any detours if you just let it happen.

to something quite different: lovely kangarradio.com have listed my song "spirit" in their charts. If you vote for it, it will stay in there or even rise. great, if you do some clicks for the track...


all the best to you all - and remember: May is the most wonderful month of the year in middle Europe - so take your time and explore nature - it's the best you can do now...
