Mittwoch, März 15, 2006

my next album

my next album will be a download-only-album.
it will be called... oh, i dont know now... there are a lot of titles swirling round in my head...
during the last months i fished out a lot of recordings i did throughout all these years. i discovered home-recordings on my mac, skipped through a lot of minidiscs and cds and spooled some tapes... there was some great sessions on Milos, preparing for the "pink beast"-album, there have been short magic moments being recorded, there have been attempts, which now turn out to be completion...
and i decided to sort out all this and make the "most authentic attempts leading to lately comprehended completion" (in other words: "the keepers") available.
why download-only? - because it sweeps away most of the gatekeepers, that still exist in this business dealing with music: retail, distribution, media, my own perfectionism, etc.
the ones, who are interested in my music will be able to buy it conveniently, instantly and whenever they want. this is what i'm interested in: to get my music out there - to play and sell it to you all, who want and demand it.
we will also provide a cover-artwork and some sort of booklet with my personal notes for download.
why do i tell you now? - i just had a listening session and wanted to tell you. thats all.
when will this album be released: midst of a hopefully happening springtime this year. i'll tell ya.
"speak" soon.
all the best,

ps: why do i write in english and not in german? 1. because i love it. 2. because has a lot of international visitors and i guess they also want to be able to read, what i think and do...